Kirsten Kaschock’s first book of poems, Unfathoms, was published by Slope. A second, a beautiful name for a girl, is forthcoming from Ahsahta Press.
Nicole Mauro’s poems and criticism have appeared in publications such as Jacket, How2, Western Humanities Review, and other places. She is the author of six chapbooks, one full-length poetry collection, The Contortions (Dusie Books, 2009) and her second book, Tax-Dollar Super-Sonnet, Featuring Sarah Palin as Poet is forthcoming from Black Radish Books in 2011.
Andrea Applebee recently completed her MFA at the University of Pittsburgh. “On Clavicles” is from her manuscript Within the Cut and Slender Joint, which has three sections: one on anatomical parts, one on machines, and one on objects in the natural world.
Joshua Harmon's book, Le Spleen de Poughkeepsie was awarded the 2010 Akron Poetry Prize and is forthcoming next year. His two previous books are Scape (poems) and Quinnehtukqut (a novel); a chapbook, The Poughkeepsiad, is also forthcoming.
Danielle Pieratti’s poems have appeared in journals including The Paris Review, Boston Review, Gulf Stream, Tulane Review, Watchword, and Rhino. She was awarded The Paris Review’s 2004 Bernard F. Connors Prize for Poetry, and the two poems printed here originally appeared in her 2005 chapbook, By the Dogstar, which won the Edda Poetry Prize from Sarasota Poetry Theater Press. She is a graduate of Columbia University’s MFA program and currently studies Education at SUNY Albany. She lives in Upstate New York.
Evelyn Hampton is the author of We Were Eternal and Gigantic, a chapbook of poems and prose from Magic Helicopter Press. Recent writing has appeared in Denver Quarterly, Birkensnake, Sleepingfish, and other venues.
Carolina Ebeid’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry, Gulf Coast, Memorious, Agni, Copper Nickel and other journals. Originally from the Garden State, she is currently a fellow at the Michener Center for Writers.
Originally from Strasbourg, France, François Luong currently lives in San Francisco. He is currently translating various Canadian and French poets. He recently guest-edited an issue of Action Yes on Canadian poetry. His poems and translations can be found or are forthcoming in Washington Square, CANNIBAL, Parthenon West Review, Bombay Gin, New American Writing and elsewhere.
Fred Schmalz’s work has appeared in A Public Space, Handsome, LUNGFULL!, Zoland Poetry, and Spinning Jenny. His first manuscript was a finalist for both the Nightboat and Sawtooth poetry prizes in 2009. He lives in Kassel, Germany.
Lily Ladewig's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Denver Quarterly, Drunken Boat, H_NGM_N, Sir!, and So and So. With Anne Cecelia Holmes, she is a co-author of the chapbook I Am A Natural Wonder, forthcoming from Blue Hour Press. She lives in Brooklyn, NY
Travis Brown’s first chapbook, In Lieu of Hartshorn, is forthcoming from Greying Ghost Press. His work has most recently been published in Caketrain, Denver Quarterly, Puerto del Sol, and Swink.
Ben Mirov is the author of Ghost Machine (Caketrain, 2010) and two chapbooks, I is to Vorticism (New Michigan Press, 2009) and Collected Ghost (H_NGM_N, 2009).
Donald Dunbar is the author of two e-chapbooks, Click Click (Gold Wake Press, 2010) and You Are So Pretty (Scantily Clad Press, 2009). His poems have appeared in Action Yes, Diagram, GlitterPony and other journals.